Monday, 13 July 2009

I hate having dreams that you don't wake up from. I can tell the difference between wakefulness and sleep, don't worry. It's the way I get from one to the other that's the problem. When you wake up from a dream you have a clear dividing line between being in bed and being god knows where. What I find troubling is when the dividing line is stretched and spread out until well after breakfast.

Here is a poem. I might add to it later.

Little Gifts from Above

I keep the eggs of spiders in my hair
They vibrate with happiness
& smell sweetly of stagnant water
I keep them stuck with superglue strings
Like mother's silk
& must sleep standing up
So as not to accidentally
The eggs of spiders in my hair
& with every hatching clutch
I weep droplets of purple ink for
I know my children will soon crawl down my face
& kiss me goodbye
With the tips of their legs
& then no longer
Will anyone mention how
I am so pretty
With the eggs of spiders in my hair.

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